The Best Cat Breeds for Multiple-Pet Households

Abyssinian: Known for being social and playful, Abyssinians get along well with other pets. Their active nature makes them great companions for dogs and other cats.

Maine Coon: Gentle giants, Maine Coons are friendly and adaptable. They are known to be good with other pets, including dogs, and are great for families with multiple animals.

Ragdoll: Ragdolls are laid-back and affectionate, making them ideal for households with multiple pets. They are known to get along well with dogs and other cats.

Siamese: Siamese cats are sociable and enjoy the company of other pets. They are vocal and playful, making them a great addition to a multi-pet household.

Birman: Birmans are gentle and friendly cats that can easily adapt to living with other pets. They are known for their affectionate nature and love for companionship.

Russian Blue: Russian Blues are intelligent and reserved cats that can coexist peacefully with other pets. They are loyal and make great companions for multiple-pet households.