Teaching Your Dog to Sit and Stay

Start by using treats to lure your dog into a sitting position. Once sitting, say 'sit' and reward. Gradually increase the time your dog stays seated before rewarding.

Practice 'sit' until your dog can do it reliably. Then, introduce 'stay' by asking your dog to sit and holding your hand up like a stop sign. Reward for staying put.

Increase the duration of the 'stay' command slowly. Use a release word like 'okay' to let your dog know when they can move. Practice in different environments for generalization.

Be patient and consistent. Use positive reinforcement and never punish your dog for not getting it right. Celebrate small victories and keep training sessions short and fun.

Remember, every dog learns at their own pace. Some may pick it up quickly, while others may need more time. Stay positive and enjoy the bonding experience with your furry friend.

With practice and patience, your dog will master the 'sit' and 'stay' commands. Enjoy the well-behaved companion you've helped shape through positive training techniques.