Creating a Bird-Friendly Winter Garden

Incorporate evergreen plants like holly and juniper to provide shelter and food for birds during the winter months. Consider adding a bird feeder and a birdbath.

Choose native plants that produce berries or seeds, such as serviceberry or coneflower, to attract birds. Install birdhouses to offer nesting spots and protection from the cold.

Create a diverse garden with different plant heights and structures to accommodate various bird species. Include plants that bloom at different times to provide food sources year-round.

Avoid using pesticides and herbicides in your garden to protect birds from harmful chemicals. Leave seed heads and dried plant materials for birds to forage during the winter.

Provide a water source like a shallow dish or a fountain that birds can access even in freezing temperatures. Keep the water clean and unfrozen to support birds throughout the season.

Enhance your bird-friendly garden with perches, rocks, and brush piles for birds to rest and hide. Create a welcoming environment by minimizing noise and disturbances in your urban space.